How to build plank wall all by yourself.

Out of all the rooms in my house, my master bedroom has given me the most trouble. I have redecorated this baby about 10 times in the last six years! Well, I’m determined to get it “right” this time (for at least a year or so) and that required the addition of a plank wall. I have wanted one for a few years so it was just time to do it already! This tutorial is great if you are going to be building a wall 100% by yourself with no help from anyone. And if you have limited upper-arm strength! Seriously, if I can build this wall, then your seven year old can probably build it too. Wimpy upper-arms unite and let’s do this thing!

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    Wednesday, March 11, 2015

    How to build plank wall all by yourself.

    Out of all the rooms in my house, my master bedroom has given me the most trouble. I have redecorated this baby about 10 times in the last six years! Well, I’m determined to get it “right” this time (for at least a year or so) and that required the addition of a plank wall. I have wanted one for a few years so it was just time to do it already! This tutorial is great if you are going to be building a wall 100% by yourself with no help from anyone. And if you have limited upper-arm strength! Seriously, if I can build this wall, then your seven year old can probably build it too. Wimpy upper-arms unite and let’s do this thing!

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